I imagine you came to this website hoping to find prayers to pray for your unborn baby. Well, I have two pregnancy prayer plans for you. The first one will take you through 14 days of prayers for your baby. The second one are the prayers from my book, Praying Through Your Pregnancy. Please make sure you sign up for both.
Many Blessings to you and your baby!
Jennifer Polimino
The Bible App - YouVersion Pregnancy Prayer Plan
We are excited to announce that PRAY FOR YOUR BABY MINISTRIES has teamed up with the You Version Bible App.
You can now read Jen's new powerful 14-Day Pregnancy Prayer Plan that is featured on the most popular Bible App in the world!
Over 850,000,000 users have installed this Bible App on their smartphones and tablets and over 75,000 moms (and dads-to-be too) have completed our Pregnancy Prayers!!
CLICK HERE to download the app now and start
praying for your baby today!
Weekly Pregnancy Prayers Right To Your Email
We would also love to send you the prayers that came from Jen's book,
Praying Through Your Pregnancy, FREE to your email box!
Click here to choose the week that you are currently in.
You'll receive these pregnancy prayers throughout your entire pregnancy.
Many Blessings to you and your baby!